
Wayland School Community Programs




Brian Jones, Director


Rosemarie Teti
, Administrative Coordinator


BASE Site Contact Information  (To e-mail, click on name)

BASE, Claypit Hill School (Grades 1-4)   508-358-7008

Susan Schaufeld, Site Coordinator

BASE, Happy Hollow School (Grades 1-4) 508-358-7004

Mary Ridgely, Site Coordinator

BASE, Loker School (Kindergarten) 508-655-4781

Jennifer Rice, Site Coordinator (on leave)

Teri Creber, Interim Site Coordinator

BASE, Wayland Middle School (Grades 5-8) 508-655-8585

Sean Timmons, Site Coordinator




Before-After-School Extension (BASE) is located in each elementary school and at Wayland Middle School, providing before and after school programming for children in kindergarten through eighth grade. (Before school is offered for K-5 only).  At the elementary schools, a 1-4 after-school program is offered at Happy Hollow and Claypit Hill and a Kindergarten BASE program is offered at Loker School. Grade 5 pupils are transported to Wayland Middle School for a Grades 5-8 program.

Children enrolled in BASE have use of school gymnasiums, libraries, cafeterias, computers or computer labs, assigned classrooms, playgrounds, and playing fields.  Daily activities vary and are always fine-tuned to reflect children's changing interests and abilities.  Flexible schedules are available, offering 2, 3, 4 or 5 afternoons until 4:30 or 6:00.  Kindergartners may enroll in a Kindergarten BASE program, which begins upon the completion of morning Kindergarten. Brochures and more detailed information can be obtained by calling the WSCP office at 508-655-6403.

Please note that Before-School is the only program that offers a drop-in option. After-School programs are enrolled on a contractual basis, and there is a two-day minimum.


 VACATION WEEK PROGRAMS - February and April

During February and April vacation weeks, Wayland School Community Programs offers programs held at Loker School for children in Kindergarten through Grade Five. Each day offers a mix of free play and scheduled activity periods for cooking, science, arts and crafts, active games, music, and more. Children also enjoy special events daily. A typical week might include field trips for mini-golf, bowling, or roller skating and/or make-your-own-pottery or a drama workshop. A trip to the local Pizzeria Uno for a tour and pizza making is always a highlight as is the chance to dine together in a restaurant.




LOKER SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN BASE                 A Candy House Loker School kindergartners in the extended day program spent three days making a "Gingerbread House." The children covered a cardboard box with graham crackers then designed roofing, walls, doors, windows, and walkways from assorted, colorful candies. The house is now on display in the school's front lobby.




                Double Play!                                                    Twins Sean and Adam, Happy Hollow BASE






Read it by clicking the link below:

BASE Newspaper                                                                       


Twelve News Crew journalists interviewed Wayland resident Mark Hughes about his four books. "Lemonade Mouth" is being made into a Disney channel movie.  The interview held at Happy Hollow's library is being broadcast on WayCAM, Wayland's community access channel.



Happy Hollow BASE

Grade Three pupils happily display their new violins and violas as they hold an impromptu practice session

at Happy Hollow BASE in the late afternoon.



Claypit Hill BASE...Staff member Andrew Harris plays a "Guess the Year" coin game during outdoor play time.


Claypit Hill BASE

After-School Program Enrollment Open,

Flexible Schedules, Enrichment Activities

For children enrolled in BASE, Claypit Hill School’s after-school program, every day is a new opportunity to seek out a new friend, try a new game, do something for someone in need, or get an early start on the evening’s homework.

As winter arrives, the children and the program staff can look back on a fall that had many highlights.

A Fundraiser for Parmenter Food Pantry.  On December afternoons, children devoted their time to making dog biscuits, flower pots, decorative tiles, cocoa cones, gingerbread cookies, crafts and even iridescent slime in jars, all for the December Craft and Bake Sale. One family – the Currans -  even took on a project at home, donating homemade, all natural popcorn that many deemed the “best popcorn ever.”  All event proceeds were donated to the Parmenter Food Pantry, with this year’s sales of $416 setting a record for the annual fundraiser.

Sue Schaufeld, site coordinator for the past 18 years, appreciated all of the help from parents. “Parents arriving at pick up time would stay and help their children finish up projects, and on the day of the event, several volunteered to help as we served hot chocolate and candy canes; it’s really a wonderful December activity.”

Earlier this month, the children gathered in the gymnasium for a performance of an adapted version of “The Wizard of Oz” written by staff member Andrew Harris. This version incorporated an anti-bullying theme in keeping with the district and the state’s anti-bullying initiatives.  

Yet another group is taking their journalism assignments very seriously as they prepare to publish a BASE newsletter.  “Two of our students met on their own for two hours to prepare questions for their newsletter project,” Sue noted.  A weekly yoga class was also enjoyed very much for six weeks and was led by a parent volunteer.

Students Taking Leadership Roles. Another positive addition this fall has been Noah Jacobson, who attends the middle school BASE program. Noah has been volunteering two days a week, and leads activities. A BASE Assistant or BA program is new this year and several fourth graders are enjoying being responsible helpers. They escort younger children from the playground into the building during activity time and  – as Sue puts it – “If someone looks lonely or looks like they could use a friend, they will sit with the child or help get the child involved in an activity.”

For children staying after 4:30 pm, there is an optional contract to join the Grades 1 - 4 homework club in the library. Staff members are there to help as needed.

Extending Themselves to the Community. The children also participated in the school’s Claypit Cares effort by making games for children with autism and they cheered up the neighborhood by singing holiday songs a few days before the winter break, a long-time Claypit BASE tradition that neighbors have come to expect and enjoy.  

A Well-Rounded Program.  The BASE program at Claypit Hill is for Grades 1 – 4; Grade Five pupils attend a Grades 5 – 8 program at the Wayland Middle School. Each day at Claypit includes outdoor play time and several activity choices, such as cooking, science, games, drama, arts and crafts, and multicultural programs.

Children may sign up for BASE at any point during the year, on a space available basis, with a two-day minimum. The program is open until 6 pm.

For information, call 508-655-6403 or check out BASE on the web at:



Wayland Middle School BASE

While their fellow BASE participants play kickball, these girls are engaged in reading and crafts, making flowers from colored tape.

Jack C. heads for first as the ball heads out into left field.


Andrew E. and Trevor C. happily wait their turn at the plate. Both boys are in fifth grade. The middle school BASE program is for Grades 5 - 8 and fifth graders are transported from Claypit Hill and Happy Hollow School via Wayland Public School bus.  Fifth graders attending the after-school program enjoy getting familiarized with the middle school the year before they make the academic transition to the Grades 6 - 8 school.


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